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Startup Ace


Startup Ace

24,000.00 19,600.00

End-to-end Mentoring program for startups!


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Live your startup dream! A program for start-up owners and for those who want to discover entrepreneurship as a career option.

The program is a mix of online and offline training and mentoring; as well as community; and is designed to give you the confidence, skills and clarity to build a truly awesome startup!

The program is a mix of ONLINE + OFFLINE training and mentoring; as well as community; and is designed with the following elements:-

Part 1: Training (Online Video Course)

  • This part is divided into seven pillars (with 6 to 20 video sessions for each), which cover:
    • Pillar One: The idea & model
    • Pillar Two: Product Development
    • Pillar Three: Team
    • Pillar Four: Sales & Marketing
    • Pillar Five: Raising Money
    • Pillar Six: Other Business Functions
    • Pillar Seven: Scaling Up
  • There are also bonus modules with interviews and various other startup resources.
  • The entire course is designed to be consumed at a steady pace over 18 weeks. It is designed to fit in easily with your business/job/education schedule.
  • Please see the ‘curriculum‘ for more details of what is included in each startup success pillar.

Part 2: Mentoring for Your Dream Project

  • One-to-One mentoring over 10 phone calls with experts in different fields.
  • The expertise ranges from topics like business strategy, raising funds, web-development, digital marketing, technology, media & PR, etc.
  • Optional industry project (with a startup) for those who’re not yet prepared for taking the leap into business

Part 3: Coaching

  • Entrepreneurship can be really tough if you’re at it alone. We will be with you, to coach you, help you set goals and milestones, and ensure you follow through on them. The coaching sessions are initially weekly, then bi-weekly, and then once a month.

Part 4: Ticket to a live event

  • As a part of Startup Ace, you also get a ticket to a live training event conducted by Mr. Rajesh Srivastava. These events are periodically conducted in metros like Mumbai or Delhi. In case you’re unable to visit this event, you can swap this for two extra sessions with startup mentors (mentioned in part 2)

Part 5: Investment Support

  • You will get support in creating a business plan, a business pitch, and then fine-tuning it to reach out to investors who are affiliated with us. We also organize a “pitch day” twice a year for the startups registered under Startup Ace, where startups can pitch to these investors.

Lifetime Access

  • Once you enroll, access to every resource is for lifetime.

Refund Policy

  • This program comes with a four-week 100% refund policy, no questions asked!

Introductory Offer Bonuses

  • Get the Internet marketing ace certification course (worth INR 4800/-) free with the Startup Ace package



#1. I will be occupied with some project in the near future; what if I get too busy?

You can take this program at your own pace and our support staff and mentoring is with you for an entire year, so you have enough time even when life gets in the way.
Also it is designed to be non-intrusive in your job / startup / college routine.

#2. I’m still in college and do not want to start a company very soon. Is it relevant for me?

It is especially relevant to you, you can get a head-start over everybody else and be in a far more prepared position before you go and start a company. Also you learn from peers who are a step or two ahead of you in the startup journey… and make connections that will last a lifetime.

#3. I’ve already done a course on entrepreneurship; is this any different?

This course is more of a personal mentoring and has far more cutting-edge elements. This is not a get-rich-quick type of program; not an old-fashioned business program; it is about learning core business principles specifically in the context of startups in India. There has never been anything like this…

#4. It is expensive for me, why is it priced high?

‘High’ is a relative thing 🙂

We’re keen on having serious people join the course and not casual minds. Awesome quality at a good price trumps average quality at a cheap price. As a professional I want to serve but not at the cost of not taking care of my own business’ financial health.

In any case, from a return-on-investment perspective, this is an extremely good deal!

Plus it has a no-questions-asked refund policy, in case you’re not completely sure it will be worth it.

#5. Can I get a demo?
You can see demo videos here: http://startup.growthfoundation.in/?af=prod

#6. What exactly do I receive?

You get the Startup Ace program + the bonus internet marketing ace certification course, which includes:
1) Video Modules covering your startup training (“Seven Success Pillars Video Training”)
2) Video modules for internet marketing + books for the program (bonus)
3) Personal mentoring for your startup/idea (“Dream Project”)
4) Optional live project with a startup
5) Certificate for the internet marketing modules (bonus)

#7. Why should I pay for an online program?

Well you see, Startup Ace is much more, it extends into personal mentoring.

We’re going to do some hand-holding till you get into the startup picture. This could save years of wasted efforts/ wasted investments and wasted time. If you compare what that could save you over the years (or make you) just financially, the program fee turns out to be peanuts.

Considering all the needless struggle I did with my early startups, if I had something like this available when I was beginning my journey — I’d have taken this at 10x of the price and still got a great return on my investment.

Finally, this is about creating a small, serious, personal community of people… A strong support system. Once you become part of ‘Startup Ace’, you’ll be in the members-only community forever.

#8. Why is it available only for a few days in a year?


We sell in batches, and prefer to focus on delivering to our clients the rest of the year instead of spending the time and energy on marketing.


Got something to discuss?


About GrowthFoundation

We provide online video-based courses for students and professionals, as well as for startup founders. You benefit by learning new skills, gaining relevant and updated knowledge, and getting better opportunities (by adding a credible certificate in your CV as well as through our corporate tie-ups for placements and projects).

GrowthFoundation: Take your dreams to the next level

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